Multisampled Instruments

5 responses

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325

    Hello AdventureKid,

    I would like to use twenty or thirty of your single cycle waveforms in an iOS theremin app.

    Would it be possible for me to do that, and if so how much would you charge me for using those .wav files?

    Also, I am quite curious how you managed to get all the derivatives of the waveforms to match up at the beginning and end of the samples.


    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325

      Contact me at and well get it sorted with a license. It’s free but a donation is always appreciated so i can make more wts or other stuff. I have used traditional looping techniques such as getting 8 cycles, crossfade to get 4, then 2 and then 1. Then I have used other kind of techniques such as fourier analytics, and some programs I wrote myself when I don’t get good results.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    Sim says:

    Wow. I just found your sound waves thanks to Reddit. I feel more inspired playing with them then I’ve felt playing with fancy soft-synths. These are great! Thanks for posting them!

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    scott belden says:

    Very nice waveforms. I prefer them to soft synths. Great in renoise and sunvox.

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