Individual folder downloads of the AKWF pack

All the single cycle wave forms from the AKWF pack but broken down so you can download each folder separately. If you want them all you will probably want to download one of the all in one pack that you find here.

A random collection

A collection of waveforms from various sources.

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0001

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0002

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0003

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0004

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0005

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0006

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0007

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0008

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0009

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0010

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0011

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0012

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0013

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0014

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0015

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0016

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0017

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0018

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0019

Collection of one cycle waveforms 0020

Acoustic guitar

Single cycle waveforms sampled from acoustic guitars.

Aucostic Guitar – Single cycle waveforms

Alto sax

Waveforms sample from a alto sax.

Alto Sax – Single cycle waveforms


I sampled some birds.

Birds – Single cycle waveforms


Waveforms that are bit reduced… Sounds video gamish.

Bitreduced – Single cycle waveforms


I mixed wave forms in a analogue mixing console to get blended waveforms.

Blended – Single cycle waveforms

Perfect waves

The most perfect waves I could produce.

Perfect waves – Single cycle waveforms

Basic waves

A collection of basic waves but taken from various sources. When I started to sample one cycle waveforms I found that a saw waveform coming out of one machine isn’t like the saw waveform coming out of the next one…

Saw waves

Bright saw waves

Saw waves with a gap at the zero crossing

Rounded saw waves

Sinus waves

Square waves

Rounded square waves

Triangle waves


Waveforms taken from my beloved Commodore 64



Waveforms sampled from cellos.



Waveforms sampled from clarinets.



Waveforms sampled from clavinets.



Waveforms sampled from double basses.

Double basss


Distortion noise whoooooaaaaaaa!!!


Electric bass guitar

Waveforms sampled from bass guitars.

Electric bass guitar

Electric guitar


Electric guitar

Electric organ

You got an organ goin’ there no wonder the sound has so much body.

Electric organ

Electric piano

Waveforms sampled from cellos.

Electric piano


Waveforms sampled from flutes.



Waveforms sampled from FM synthesizers.



Waveforms created using various granular techniques.


Hand drawn

I made these! Hand drawn… Oyeah!

Hand drawn

Human voice

Waveforms sampled from voices.

Human voice


Waveforms made by using linear interpolation.



Waveforms sampled from oboes.


Oscillator chip

Waveforms sampled from a oscillator with 32 steps.

Oscillator chip


Waveforms made by a very simple additive synthesizer I built. Sounds like an organ.



Waveforms sampled from pianos.


Pluck algorithm

Waveforms made using a pluck algorithm. The waveforms is taken from different stages of the generated sound.

Pluck algorithm




Sinus waves harmonics

Sinus waves and harmonics.

Sinus waves harmonics


Waveforms sampled from really short pieces of anything. Television, the trains going by, the microwave oven, etc.



These are stereo waveforms, not many synthesizers can read those…



Waveforms sampled from my favourite string box. It sounds nothing like a string quartet but I love it. The string box is more or less these waveforms + a cheesy chorus.



Symmetric objects are beautiful.



Waveforms sampled from Theremins.


Video game

Waveforms sampled from 8-bit and 16-bit video games.

Video game

Video game basics

Some basic waveforms from video games.

Video game basics


Waveforms sampled from violins.


That’s all, happy sound designing!

13 responses

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325

    Hi! This is so amazing!

    Do you have a place to download the wavetables as a “full sweep”? I guess I mean instead of single cycles, a wave file that cycles through all the waveforms in a wavetable? I want to experiment with an Elektron Model:Samples, but so far I can only find the single cycles to loop. I’d love to automate or use an LFO on the sample start time, giving me different waveshapes.

    Hopefully this makes sense!

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325

      Hi I am working on the next version of AKWF wich might be named AKWT as in wavetable.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    Ryan says:

    Hi ,
    I’d love to see if these are wave tables are comparable with the U.D.O audio super 6 ..
    Here are the requirements from their website .

    The alternative waveform format for DDS 1 is as follows:

    16-bit signed integer format samples
    Normalised, single-cycle waveform with 4096 points (8192 bytes)
    Bandlimited at sampling frequency/8 (Nyquist/4), i.e. frequency content above 512 Hz in your 4096 point waveform should be removed
    Binary file containing no header data and file extension .ws6

    Would any of your waveforms fir this criteria ..?
    I’m more than willing to donate if this is the case..


  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    Sam McKenzie says:

    My name is Sam and I have just started using Caustic 3.2. I downloaded the Free AKWF single cycle waveform folder that os supposed to go in Subsynth. The problem I’m having is I don’t understand what to do with the large grouping of files in each folder. I’m pretty new to the sound synthesis game having done no more than change the FX loop direction on my guitar’s BOSS Gt-10. I’m primarily a guitarist ( played ~20years) but this sound synthesis thing is awesome to me and I want to get started. Thank you so much for all the work this AKWF package must have taken!

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325

      Hi Sam! Sorry for the late reply… I am working on sequenced waveforms but in the pack here it is basically one offs. I haven’t used Caustics unfortunately. I use them in many ways. Some synthesizers I have can morph between waveforms or just transition between them. That’s how I mainly use them kinda like regular oscillator shapes. People have done all sort of things with them though. Good luck!

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    Armando says:

    Thank you 🙂

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    Subjekt_9 says:

    This is EXACTLY what I was needing for use in iZotope’s Iris 2!!! Thank you so freakin’ much!

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    derrtiblu says:

    this is amazing sound quality!! using such sounds in either caustic or g-stomper i just gotta figure out how if u know. give heads up how two input such sounds please thank you. my donation will come later. no space for such downloads of samples as of right now.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    Troy says:

    Hi there, these .wav waveforms are really cool. I would like to get them into a straight text file, something I could import into Excel. do you know the easiest way to do that?

    • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325

      Do you mean the names or the raw data or the data but in a specific data format?

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    R7 says:

    Adventure Kid waveforms resampled to C and with octaves spread across slices so each wave file contains C0-C7. Made for Octatrack but adaptable for gear that can set start end end points of samples. Should save space and directory browsing.

    Otherwise just use the direct waveforms I posted below.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 180 in /customers/8/5/0/ on line 325
    R7 says:

    The friendly folks at Elektronauts took this single cycle waveforms and repitched them to C so they play correct chromatically.

    Info here:

    Direct link to C tuned single cycle waveforms for each octave:!GY9jFK5B!Zs5iJWF6qRt9WjfT-3ebslLslZFjeO9YB7NyDtM5AA0

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