Hey that’s so cool what your doing, I found this by web searching a code at the bottom on my venmo that’s a weird bot net. Potosi Missouri had alot of German immigrants, most went to Hermann but anyhoo I’m poor there’s no devices we can ever buy refurbished and the ppl building out of spare parts are building machines and impt shit first IDK when we’ll get any thing
Hi! I was trying to download your “Sinus Waves” folder from the “Basic Waves” section but it appears to have disappeared. Is there any way you could upload that again?
Hi. My name is Marcus. Since your a programmer of wavetables I was wondering if you can help solve a issue I’m having. I’m using Reaktor 6 and uploading into its Sampler Loop in Oscillator Mode wavetables from Xfer Serum. How ever I just noticed how the wavetables have a ton of aliasing when played back in Reaktor even in Excellent Mode. Is there any way to solve this? I would appreciate any assistance for this problem.
I’m Aurelien from Fingerlab, a french iOS app micro company.
I write you today because I’m currently working on a new synth app and I would like to use some of your single cycle waveform (from VoidVertex/Single-Cycle-Waveforms) in my app, you will be credited for that in the app of course.
Would you be ok for that ?
Hi, thanks for this great resource! I have used your waveforms for a few years with an Octatrack and still find new ground with them 🙂
I have recently formatted the main pack for my Elektron Model:Samples, basically just 48k mono plus I abbreviated all the file names to fit the screen better. I would like to share this pack with other Elektron users but thought I should check with you first, I can either upload it there (if thats ok) or I can send the pack to you to upload here and then link to it from the Elektron forum.
Please let me know if this is acceptable, and thanks again for the great work!
hey kristoffer, i work for pioneer dj. i am creating a bunch of toraiz sp-16 tutorials where we feature your single cycle waveforms. as a thank you, i would like to send you an sp-16. let me know how that sounds?
Hi AK. Many thanks for your work on the single-cycle waveforms collection, such a great resource.
Indulging my deep nerding by making a reference PDF version of the visual guide. I download all the images and have been laying them out in grids in InDesign. Looking sharp, I’d be happy to share it when I’m done!
I noticed the stereo folder has missing images, only 3 of them are present:
Hey man! First I want to say THANK YOU for the NES waveforms! Second, you could improve the NES Harmor patches on your page by disabling the “Ramp” control in the ADV tab which will prevent the soft attack that loads with Harmor by default for some silly reason. Just wanted to help out a bit to say thanks 🙂
Can you advice me how can i transpose all your single cycle waveforms to c3 from c1? What program can do it? some kind of batcher please 🙂
I have tried audacity, but it adds artifacts in high range.
I do not have a suggestion, It’s the interpolation between the first and the last sample that is the problem. I wrote a small program to do it, I gonna see if I still have it – but don’t hold your breath…
Cool. I will wait.
Trasposed today with Adobe audition – sounds way better than with audacity, but not as good as yours original played on high notes on ableton’s sampler with root key on C1.
I’m doing it for Mpc1000. It is only can transpose +/-36 steps, and range of played midi is from C0 to C6, so C3 samples is great for this machine.
Hello Adventure Kid. I apologize, but I released a sample pack for the Korg ESX using some of your single cycle waveforms without asking your copyright standing on them. Someone brought my attention to it with their comment on the sample pack demo here… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxQOAmYUHfY
Drop me a line if this is an issue and I will take them out of the pack.
Again, I am sorry…
Has anyone ever told all this shit is overwhelming!!! But in a good way I coincidentally hit that button and it dropped 5.7mb on my head and mac. Spun me around for second felt like ring king! But Biggups man nice work I opened some files and said damn I need a 12 pack so off to the store. I will put these samples to good use…….. MAN go figure the FFFFing internet. Gotta have it! Peace!!!!
Hey man! nice work… since I wanted to have a quick preview of your the various waveforms in your pack I have quickly hacked the web app you have created, using web audio (chrome). let me know if you or someone else wants it! ciao!
Hi kid 😀
nice name tho you’re a bit older.
i found your single hit-waveform collection somewhere on your site, and downloaded it. now, i would like to have the accompanying graphs and info but your website won’t let me mirror that info part (keeps 404ing on the images).. could you zip that stuff up as well maybe?
much obliged!
HEY KIDDDD!!! I’ve been a fan since 2007/2008 when I randomly stumbled upon your myspace page. I deleted my account in ’09 and I haven’t heard from you since.. Until now. I can’t believe I found this site. Best music ever! Thank you!
I was brought here by the waveforms (awesome for .sf2’s!) but noticed that there was so much more! Your music is interesting as it is almost entirely retro yet when I listen I can’t help but think it’s coming from the future. How strange, but good! Will you/have you ever come to America?
Hello Adventure kid =). Thank you for your single-cycle waveforms! They are superb, and i’ve been using them a lot in my private synth projects. Now I am developing a VST instrument, hybrid wavetable/VA synth, that i’m going to release as “donationware” / freeware. I would very much like to use some of your waveforms as part of the wavetable oscillators. You would be credited of course, in plugins “about box” and operation manual. Let me know if that is okay for you, it would save me lot of time and effort. Happy new year, Ville V. -Finland
First off I am new to making music and all of that! And I just want to say, all that waveform stuff and other bits and pieces is arwsome and just would like to say thanks for it. I was having a bit of a problem for a month trying to think of songs to make and these made me get right back into it! You saved me from giving up from it! Cheers mate, love your music too! 😀
I’ll see what I can do. I know how to do it in a automated way but with bad interpolation or manually with really good interpolation. Gonna see what I can do…
Hi, just like to say thanks for uploading all those single cycle waveforms! I’m using them in a makeshift synth I’m building in Ableton Live. Great fun. Hari
Came here because of the link to all those delicious single cycle waveforms, hit play on that little ghetto box you had on the side. Really enjoyed it, I’m bopping along. Just wanted to let you know I appreciated that happy tune you made.
Saw you @ Moshpit Open not long ago, it was great! love your song “De Lorean Motor Company” , its got a very happy melody to keep my head high during these horrible times with SD in the parliament…
Hi, I just read about your single cycle waveforms on Rekkerd.org and thought I’d try them out. I’ve downloaded them all except http://www.adventurekid.se/AKRTfiles/WAVEFORMS/AK-OCW_0008.zip which gives a 404 error? Is the link wrong or the file missing?
Thanks for these waveforms, I’m always after new sound sources! 😀
Hey Kid! I kind of randomly found you, thats why I deeply believe in the greatness of randomness.. Just great sounds you are given birth to this world! If you think on any exotic travel, you should come to Costa Rica and play some gigs around here… I can fix u up anytime!!! cant wait to hear your next pixel tunes, Im sure they will keep helping me during work time, fuel up my life!!!
Tjena Kristoffer,
Älskar din musik och paketeringen av Adventure Kid. Kan vi inte få lägga upp en mobilklubb till dig i Clubido? Vore riktigt coolt. Mvh /Patric
Hi, I just wanted to say that you’re music is awesome, and that I really hope that the track “Hip Hop is my only Hope” (seen it on your LastFM-profile) will be on your upcoming album. That song is soooo awesome!
your music is mighty.
your graphics are quite nice, as well. do you do them yourself?
i’m an illustrator and graphic designer. i wanted to introduce myself and let you know that i’d love to do some work with you someday. please check out my site, and let me know if you’re ever interested.
happy the album will be here soon.
– owen the owen.
Hey, great tunes! After hearing De Lorean Motor Company on the “cats on treadmills” video on youtube, I had an idea for a video using the song. Can I have your permission to use the song? I would really appreciate it!
Hi Anthony! Thanks! It’s the Danger Global Warming Project that has the rights. You can listen to it on their, or my myspace. Theres a link to the right. It will be released soonish I’ve been told.
Hi! I discovered you in a snowboard movie last week and you’r so great! I’m trying to find the remix you do for the Danger Global Warming project and cant find it nowhere??? The song is soooooo great!!! I’m wondering where I can get it? …or if you can post it to your website! …thanks alot!
83 responses
Hey that’s so cool what your doing, I found this by web searching a code at the bottom on my venmo that’s a weird bot net. Potosi Missouri had alot of German immigrants, most went to Hermann but anyhoo I’m poor there’s no devices we can ever buy refurbished and the ppl building out of spare parts are building machines and impt shit first IDK when we’ll get any thing
tja! har du hela låten som användes i svt-programmet “folkoteket” ? 🙂
Hi! I was trying to download your “Sinus Waves” folder from the “Basic Waves” section but it appears to have disappeared. Is there any way you could upload that again?
The story is about a kid saving a whale and he has headphones in as he saves him, I think the music works perfectly with it 🙂.
This is a sample of my work:
Awaiting your reply! 🙂
Hi. My name is Marcus. Since your a programmer of wavetables I was wondering if you can help solve a issue I’m having. I’m using Reaktor 6 and uploading into its Sampler Loop in Oscillator Mode wavetables from Xfer Serum. How ever I just noticed how the wavetables have a ton of aliasing when played back in Reaktor even in Excellent Mode. Is there any way to solve this? I would appreciate any assistance for this problem.
I’m Aurelien from Fingerlab, a french iOS app micro company.
I write you today because I’m currently working on a new synth app and I would like to use some of your single cycle waveform (from VoidVertex/Single-Cycle-Waveforms) in my app, you will be credited for that in the app of course.
Would you be ok for that ?
Hi, thanks for this great resource! I have used your waveforms for a few years with an Octatrack and still find new ground with them 🙂
I have recently formatted the main pack for my Elektron Model:Samples, basically just 48k mono plus I abbreviated all the file names to fit the screen better. I would like to share this pack with other Elektron users but thought I should check with you first, I can either upload it there (if thats ok) or I can send the pack to you to upload here and then link to it from the Elektron forum.
Please let me know if this is acceptable, and thanks again for the great work!
That sounds great, more than ok, if you use git make a pull quest, otherwise just send it to me and ill add it!
I’ve uploaded it to GitHub but knowing me, I’ve probably done something wrong ha. Let me know if I need to change anything 🙂
hey kristoffer, i work for pioneer dj. i am creating a bunch of toraiz sp-16 tutorials where we feature your single cycle waveforms. as a thank you, i would like to send you an sp-16. let me know how that sounds?
Hi Ben! That sounds great of course. The SP-16 looks really like a really competent piece of gears. Glad you found use for the wave forms!
I’ll send you an email a bit later today. Thanks for reaching out!
Hi AK. Many thanks for your work on the single-cycle waveforms collection, such a great resource.
Indulging my deep nerding by making a reference PDF version of the visual guide. I download all the images and have been laying them out in grids in InDesign. Looking sharp, I’d be happy to share it when I’m done!
I noticed the stereo folder has missing images, only 3 of them are present:
Any ideas where those might be? The ‘stereo’ folder is turning out to be one of my favs! 🙂
Hey man! First I want to say THANK YOU for the NES waveforms! Second, you could improve the NES Harmor patches on your page by disabling the “Ramp” control in the ADV tab which will prevent the soft attack that loads with Harmor by default for some silly reason. Just wanted to help out a bit to say thanks 🙂
Hi Andrew! I might change that. Thanks!
No worries 🙂 Thanks again!
Can you advice me how can i transpose all your single cycle waveforms to c3 from c1? What program can do it? some kind of batcher please 🙂
I have tried audacity, but it adds artifacts in high range.
I do not have a suggestion, It’s the interpolation between the first and the last sample that is the problem. I wrote a small program to do it, I gonna see if I still have it – but don’t hold your breath…
Cool. I will wait.
Trasposed today with Adobe audition – sounds way better than with audacity, but not as good as yours original played on high notes on ableton’s sampler with root key on C1.
I’m doing it for Mpc1000. It is only can transpose +/-36 steps, and range of played midi is from C0 to C6, so C3 samples is great for this machine.
Hi — I have converted these samples to 48000 Hz, pitch-shifted to C, to match the native format of the new Electribe sampler.
Here is the discussion about it:
Was wondering if it would be OK to post these altered samples for others to use. Thanks!
Hi sorry to be late on answering this, it’s totally OK!
This is a long shot, but I’m here for the exact same reason. You wouldn’t still have these files would you!
Hello Adventure Kid. I apologize, but I released a sample pack for the Korg ESX using some of your single cycle waveforms without asking your copyright standing on them. Someone brought my attention to it with their comment on the sample pack demo here…
Drop me a line if this is an issue and I will take them out of the pack.
Again, I am sorry…
It’s okidok!
Hello! Just wanted to say thank you for the waveforms and your hard work! Much appreciated
Has anyone ever told all this shit is overwhelming!!! But in a good way I coincidentally hit that button and it dropped 5.7mb on my head and mac. Spun me around for second felt like ring king! But Biggups man nice work I opened some files and said damn I need a 12 pack so off to the store. I will put these samples to good use…….. MAN go figure the FFFFing internet. Gotta have it! Peace!!!!
Hey man! nice work… since I wanted to have a quick preview of your the various waveforms in your pack I have quickly hacked the web app you have created, using web audio (chrome). let me know if you or someone else wants it! ciao!
\(o.o)-Great! Much Love from Munich!
love it! Can’t get enough of Adventure Kid
Can we expect to see your music on Spotify at any point in the future?
Adventure Kid » Say hi! – just great!
Hey man great job on those waveforms
i love them i am building a nice synth whit them when its finishd il shall inform you
is it ok that i name the wavetable section AKWF-wavtable ?
well gotta be building! greetz gijs de mik
Thanks for all the waveforms (sinus waves had a problem…couldn’t download them) hoping you can update it when you get a chance. 🙂
Hi, I’d like to get in contact with you, possibly sharing some experiences in deconvolution of impulse responses, if You’re interested in.
thank you too much for the single cycle waveform samples they make my computer sound alive again
thanks for all the wavforms!!! your the man. they will be much fun in the Octatrack
san francisco
Sjukt imponerad!
Ser fram emot albumsläpp.
Dude your work is awesome.
Please don’t change!
Peace. B)
when will you release the 8-bit waveforms? =)
Just got say thank you for the wavetables. They are great for messing around in Max and PD. Cheers!
Golden toilets for everyone!
Hi kid 😀
nice name tho you’re a bit older.
i found your single hit-waveform collection somewhere on your site, and downloaded it. now, i would like to have the accompanying graphs and info but your website won’t let me mirror that info part (keeps 404ing on the images).. could you zip that stuff up as well maybe?
much obliged!
Thanks, Adventure Kid!
HEY KIDDDD!!! I’ve been a fan since 2007/2008 when I randomly stumbled upon your myspace page. I deleted my account in ’09 and I haven’t heard from you since.. Until now. I can’t believe I found this site. Best music ever! Thank you!
Just do it!
(With a link to your website in the description, of course.)
Hi Adventure Kid! Would you mind if I used one of your songs (De Lorean Motor Company) in a YouTube video of my pet?
Aponda: Thank you. I was in New York last summer. I plan to get back some day. Happy new year! /Kiddo
Ville: Sounds fair! Go go go!
I was brought here by the waveforms (awesome for .sf2’s!) but noticed that there was so much more! Your music is interesting as it is almost entirely retro yet when I listen I can’t help but think it’s coming from the future. How strange, but good! Will you/have you ever come to America?
Hello Adventure kid =). Thank you for your single-cycle waveforms! They are superb, and i’ve been using them a lot in my private synth projects. Now I am developing a VST instrument, hybrid wavetable/VA synth, that i’m going to release as “donationware” / freeware. I would very much like to use some of your waveforms as part of the wavetable oscillators. You would be credited of course, in plugins “about box” and operation manual. Let me know if that is okay for you, it would save me lot of time and effort. Happy new year, Ville V. -Finland
Emanuel! That sucks! I have to come back, some day then!
Vampir, where do you live, wanna make some gigs instead of me. Hehe.
Stoyanoff, cool!
U need to come to Södertälje again, we’re still regretting missing out, it’s an harsh worls for us 17-ers!
about your photos – you looks like me 😀 it is very very strange! also, nice 8bit
First off I am new to making music and all of that! And I just want to say, all that waveform stuff and other bits and pieces is arwsome and just would like to say thanks for it. I was having a bit of a problem for a month trying to think of songs to make and these made me get right back into it! You saved me from giving up from it! Cheers mate, love your music too! 😀
great work. Many thanks for it.
Ok. Thanks, Ad-Kid!
p.s. maybe it’l be interesting…
all melda’s (free pack) products have that Hq-things, CableG F-Shaper (cubic), Praat.
I’ll see what I can do. I know how to do it in a automated way but with bad interpolation or manually with really good interpolation. Gonna see what I can do…
Yes! 4096 samples. because some old synths wan’t load other waveforms, except 4096 smpls…
Why? 4096 samples you mean?
Hey, Ad-Kid! How about convert “perfect waves” to 4096… It’s possible? .)
thanks man! i look forward to checking out your full length!
I’m really glad people use the waveforms. I have a nerdy love for em… 😉
Hi, just like to say thanks for uploading all those single cycle waveforms! I’m using them in a makeshift synth I’m building in Ableton Live. Great fun. Hari
Came here because of the link to all those delicious single cycle waveforms, hit play on that little ghetto box you had on the side. Really enjoyed it, I’m bopping along. Just wanted to let you know I appreciated that happy tune you made.
Hi AK!
Saw you @ Moshpit Open not long ago, it was great! love your song “De Lorean Motor Company” , its got a very happy melody to keep my head high during these horrible times with SD in the parliament…
best of luck!
Moshpit was fun. Nazis are boring. Lets not let the same thing happen in 4 years! Take care!
Hi, I just read about your single cycle waveforms on Rekkerd.org and thought I’d try them out. I’ve downloaded them all except http://www.adventurekid.se/AKRTfiles/WAVEFORMS/AK-OCW_0008.zip which gives a 404 error? Is the link wrong or the file missing?
Thanks for these waveforms, I’m always after new sound sources! 😀
You were fucking amazing at moshpit open ;D Love your music man 🙂 take care!
Hälsningar från Täby 🙂
Hey Kid! I kind of randomly found you, thats why I deeply believe in the greatness of randomness.. Just great sounds you are given birth to this world! If you think on any exotic travel, you should come to Costa Rica and play some gigs around here… I can fix u up anytime!!! cant wait to hear your next pixel tunes, Im sure they will keep helping me during work time, fuel up my life!!!
Came across your site/music. Have to say, Love it! Looking forward to seeing more additions all around!
You are awesome! I love your stuff. Check out my project if you have time! http://www.nvr-ndr.com
we’d love to have you here in göteborg at hdk (högskolan för design och konsthantverk). maybe stop by if you’re ever in town?
Tjena Kristoffer,
Älskar din musik och paketeringen av Adventure Kid. Kan vi inte få lägga upp en mobilklubb till dig i Clubido? Vore riktigt coolt. Mvh /Patric
Hi, I just wanted to say that you’re music is awesome, and that I really hope that the track “Hip Hop is my only Hope” (seen it on your LastFM-profile) will be on your upcoming album. That song is soooo awesome!
Fantastic music!!! i remember my young years playing with my old computer.
hello, kid.
your music is mighty.
your graphics are quite nice, as well. do you do them yourself?
i’m an illustrator and graphic designer. i wanted to introduce myself and let you know that i’d love to do some work with you someday. please check out my site, and let me know if you’re ever interested.
happy the album will be here soon.
– owen the owen.
Hey, great tunes! After hearing De Lorean Motor Company on the “cats on treadmills” video on youtube, I had an idea for a video using the song. Can I have your permission to use the song? I would really appreciate it!
Why is the link to your da lorien song no good…its your best song…put it up…NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey ak I’m just a 11 year old kid who loves your site designs and styles. They’re retro yet new. Anyways I love the music.
Hi Anthony! Thanks! It’s the Danger Global Warming Project that has the rights. You can listen to it on their, or my myspace. Theres a link to the right. It will be released soonish I’ve been told.
Hi! I discovered you in a snowboard movie last week and you’r so great! I’m trying to find the remix you do for the Danger Global Warming project and cant find it nowhere??? The song is soooooo great!!! I’m wondering where I can get it? …or if you can post it to your website! …thanks alot!